"Maybe my values are outdated, but I come from an old school of thought. I think that men ought to treat women like something other than shorter, weaker men with breasts. Try and convict me if I'm a bad person for thinking so. I enjoy treating a woman like a lady, opening doors for her, paying for shared meals, giving flowers - all that sort of thing."
- Storm Front, Jim Butcher
My entire first response to this paragraph was to just take the words "Fuck" and "you", string them together, highlight them, copy them, and then hit paste for about 5 minutes. I suspect it would get my point across and be nice and cathartic, but isn't particularly eloquent.
Let's just go ahead and start at the "shorter, weaker men with breasts" part. Really? That's the impression you get from treating women like equals? That if you were to treat a woman as someone who is exactly the same as you, a human being, you must necessarily acquiesce that A) they are shorter than you, B) they are weaker than you, and C) oh they have breasts too, that's the important part. In fact, the worst part about that is if you take out all the adjectives entirely. "I think that men ought to treat women like something other than men." Men are due one set of actions, women are something (something?!) that is due a set of separate actions. There's no global set of "oh, you're human, I should treat you like this." Nope.
Okay, well what are these magical actions? Opening doors for her! Oh, gentlemenly!
Criteria for holding doors open for someone according to Harry Dresden:
- Boobs
- Going through the same door as you, right behind you.
I haven't read this book. I barely started (this quote is fromt he second page of chapter 2). So I'm giving Jim Butcher the benefit of the doubt right now that maybe this is just A) Harry Dresden's opinion and not his and B) it's something that will get pointed out and rectified. But judging from the defensiveness and insistence that it's correct from the rest of the quote, I will say:
You're on notice.