Monday, February 25, 2013

Sons and Daughters

I want a daughter. Or two. But no sons. I've always been worried that I haven't the slightest idea how to raise a son. The world is more accepting of raising an awesome do-anything daughter because it is, of course, way more awesome to try to be male. I mean who wouldn't want to be a dude? Go for it, girlfriend.

This post on Blog Her kind of nails my worries about it, actually. Raising a son who is feminist, genuinely pro-equality, and unconcerned with reinforcement of masculinity is problematic because that means you're allowing them to embrace femininity, which is just an open invitation for ostracism. And while I don't really care if kids are mean to my kids(because kids are jerks to begin with, whatever), the fact of the matter is adults would use it as an excuse. And that sucks and I have no idea what to do about that.

So I want daughters. Because I'm selfish and lazy and don't want to worry about this. I want daughters who can play with Barbies who accidentally die horrifically in a baking soda/vinegar volcano. I want daughters who genuinely believe they can be anything they want and then actually do it. Because it's so much harder to have sons who believe that because masculinity is so much more rigidly enforced.

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