Friday, April 5, 2013

Never Go On Reddit

[content note: this post is about Reddit, so just assume anything terrible is absolutely in this post]

I just feel like making a nice list of arguments I actually had to have on Reddit this week:

  • Why "OP is a faggot" is a bad thing to say
  • Why being excited to kill some North Koreans isn't okay
  • Why the police shouldn't be allowed to stop and harass anyone they want
  • Why people tend to not lie about being violently and repeatedly gang raped
  • Why it's racist to assume a black woman with a child is a single mom
  • Why the idea that gay marriage leads to marrying a horse is insane
I guess I didn't have to have these arguments. I chose to have them. I chose to be on Reddit and interact with these people. And, to Reddit's credit, more often than not I did end up on the positive vote end of the spectrum for making these arguments but...


It never ends. I've finally just blocked Reddit on all my browsers because I can't. I can't argue on the internet that much. It's so futile.

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